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Frontend and Content Changes

Continuing with changes to the User Interface or the frontend of our app please follow the steps mentioned below:

Home Page 🏡

  1. Open

  2. Search for st.title and update the Title of the app as per your application's needs.

    [say st.title('Our Cats vs Dogs Classifier')]

  3. Now search for variable page_title and update it with the same. This will tweak the SEO.

    [say page_title="Cats Vs Dogs",]

  4. If you have some affiliation or maybe the app is made completely by you (perhaps with a group of your friends/colleagues) as a pet project, you can reflect that in the app by searching for st.subheader and updating it

    [say st.subheader("By John Doe and Jane Doe")]

^^ Delete any or all code that you won't use from the above

Contact Page 🤳

  1. Search for the function call display_team("Your Awesome Name", "./assets/profile_pic.png","Your Awesome Affliation","" and update the following parameters as per your own discretion:

    • Name
    • path_to_image (I would suggest storing the images inside assets/images/
    • Affiliation
    • email
  2. For adding multiple members, you can call the same function multiple times. For example:

    display_team("John Doe","./assets/john_doe.png","Stanford University","")
    display_team("Jane Doe","./assets/jane_doe.png","Harvard University","")